Trying to Be a Better Dad
So I'm not really good with a hammer. That's how this project got it's start. The traditional "Leave it to Beaver" dad would spend time with his son fixing stuff around the house. All I could picture was the Home Depot commercial of the dad working under the sink while his son hands him tools and stuff. Lefty-loosey right-tighty was definitely not happening in this house. So...we cook.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm some professional level chef. It's just that compared to my ability to re-wire the house, I've got mad kitchen skills.
-- Full disclosure. My cooking expertise comes mostly from watching cooking shows. Alton Brown, America's Test Kitchen, and Top Chef recipes will pop up often enough that I can't possibly claim to be original. I'm sure influences will be a future post. --
Big picture, this project is about a dad and son spending quality time together every Sunday for an entire year. 52 weeks of cooking Sunday dinner together starting on Wes's 7th birthday. This blog is a way to share what we're sharing with people that we care about and also a way to create a lasting way to look back and laugh about our exploits when we're older. More importantly, this will keep me honest and make sure we keep up every weekend.
So thanks for reading this. I promise it will be fun (for us at least).