Okay, back to kitchen ninja training. First and hardest job was peeling the boy away from Easter baskets and jelly beans. Not an easy taks.
Since it was totally Wes's choice, he decided the entire menu. He wanted Cheesy Eggs, bacon, McDonald's-style hash browns and OJ. Kitchen Mom jumped in with his favorite cinnamon rolls (store bought) and a fresh fruit salad.
Eggs first. I have to say that I'm crazy proud of my boy here. He totally went for it on the egg cracking and just nailed it. Part of the goal for this whole project was for him to gain confidence in something and he was so awesome in his fear-free approach to the eggs. 6 eggs; no shells! We added a little milk and salt and Wes whipped the eggs up quick like.
I chopped up 1/2 lbs of bacon and started that frying on low on the stove top. We agreed that we wanted low mess so we could get outside and play instead of cleaning the kitchen (sunny and 70 degrees today!), so bacon-topping won out over strips. Much easier and more fun to build your plate at the table.
Next was the cheesy part of Cheesy Eggs. Wes worked the grater and broke down 1/2 a block of cheddar.
So now it was time to bring it all together. We got a big non-stick skillet out and added a big hunk of butter. Today's lesson: the best way to scramble an egg. Once the butter was melted, we poured in our egg mixture. Low heat! Wes watched closely for the eggs to start to set along the outside. Once the egg turned white, he used a spatula to gently push the cooked egg to the center of the pan, pausing long enough to let uncooked egg fill in the gap. Gently and continuously repeat until all of the egg has set up. I jumped in and helped here and did a flip of all the mostly-cooked egg. 1/2 the cheese went into the pan next with the heat off at this point (even on our gas, the carry-over heat is plenty to finish the eggs and melt the cheese; if you're using electric kill the heat earlier). Wes was great gently folding the cheese in one handful at a time, reserving some for "super extra cheese" at the table.
Toaster hash browns were kind of anti-climactic at this point. Frozen kind into the toaster oven. But Wes monitored them like a pro while I got everything ready for the table.
Eggs went into a serving bowl, bacon bits in another, and extra cheese in the last. Plates got piled high and completely polished off. Another success. Now back to those jelly beans...