Sunday, 24 April 2011

Week 7 - Easter Not-Brunch Kitchen Ninja Style

Wes's choice this week and he wanted to make breakfast for Easter (he of course refuses to call it brunch because he's worried he won't get lunch if it's brunch).  Mostly I think that the idea of unwrapping a ham and watching it bake in the oven didn't overly excite him.  Side note:  Kitchen Mom is making Potatoes Romanoff with our Easter dinner. Do yourself a favor and check out the recipe at the link.  Fantastic!

Okay, back to kitchen ninja training.  First and hardest job was peeling the boy away from Easter baskets and jelly beans.  Not an easy taks.

Since it was totally Wes's choice, he decided the entire menu.  He wanted Cheesy Eggs, bacon, McDonald's-style hash browns and OJ.  Kitchen Mom jumped in with his favorite cinnamon rolls (store bought) and a fresh fruit salad.

Eggs first.  I have to say that I'm crazy proud of my boy here.  He totally went for it on the egg cracking and just nailed it.  Part of the goal for this whole project was for him to gain confidence in something and he was so awesome in his fear-free approach to the eggs.  6 eggs; no shells!  We added a little milk and salt and Wes whipped the eggs up quick like. 

I chopped up 1/2 lbs of bacon and started that frying on low on the stove top.  We agreed that we wanted low mess so we could get outside and play instead of cleaning the kitchen (sunny and 70 degrees today!), so bacon-topping won out over strips.  Much easier and more fun to build your plate at the table.

Next was the cheesy part of Cheesy Eggs.  Wes worked the grater and broke down 1/2 a block of cheddar. 

So now it was time to bring it all together.  We got a big non-stick skillet out and added a big hunk of butter.  Today's lesson: the best way to scramble an egg.  Once the butter was melted, we poured in our egg mixture.  Low heat!  Wes watched closely for the eggs to start to set along the outside.  Once the egg turned white, he used a spatula to gently push the cooked egg to the center of the pan, pausing long enough to let uncooked egg fill in the gap.  Gently and continuously repeat until all of the egg has set up.  I jumped in and helped here and did a flip of all the mostly-cooked egg.  1/2 the cheese went into the pan next with the heat off at this point (even on our gas, the carry-over heat is plenty to finish the eggs and melt the cheese; if you're using electric kill the heat earlier).  Wes was great gently folding the cheese in one handful at a time, reserving some for "super extra cheese" at the table.

Toaster hash browns were kind of anti-climactic at this point.  Frozen kind into the toaster oven.  But Wes monitored them like a pro while I got everything ready for the table.

Eggs went into a serving bowl, bacon bits in another, and extra cheese in the last.  Plates got piled high and completely polished off.  Another success.  Now back to those jelly beans...

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Week 6 - Cheater Fish Tacos

So this week was our first big challenge week.  The NBA playoffs started today, and the Lakers were the marque game at 3:30 EST.  That meant that we needed to get our cooking done while also trying not to miss the start of the "journey to 3-peat".  (In hindsight, we clearly could have spent as much time as we wanted in the kitchen since the Lakers stunk up the place today...)

The challenge was to come up with a dinner worthy of the Sunday Supper title, without having to spend any more time in the kitchen than necessary.  The ideal meal would be assembled during half time and be ready to eat by the 4th quarter buzzer.  So we decided to go semi-homemade (no relation to Sandra Lee) and to make Cheater Fish Tacos.

I came up with this recipe totally on my own, but everyone that's tried it has raved.  The ideal is crispy fish, creamy slaw and spicy hot sauce all coming together in a fresh tortilla. Only without any of the effort that should go along with that.  It's crazy easy.

First we had to make the slaw.  Wes chopped up about a half dozen radishes matchstick-style.  Those went into the bowl first with a heavy pinch of salt (mixed well of course).  Then we took half a head of regular cabbage and shredded it up (I cut, Wes separated) and that went into the bowl as well.  A good handful of minced cilantro and enough sour cream to make it creamy went in next.  Finally we squeezed in the juice of one small line.  Everything got mixed well and then into the fridge to come together.

Then the cheating starts.  From the freezer we grabbed a box of our favorite fish tenders (you could do fish sticks but the batter-to-fish ratio isn't as good).  They went onto a baking sheet and into the oven following the directions right off the box.

And we went back into the living room to enjoy the game.  Right in time for the second half to start.

At the end of the third quarter, we went back into the kitchen to finish our prep.  First we put a can of black beans on the stove top.  Wes got to open his first can!  He's ready to be a hobo now.

Then we followed Rick Bayless's direction on heating store-bought corn tortillas.  I'm going into detail here because this is important.  You have to moisten a tea towel and wrap up a dozen tortillas in the damp towel.  Then put the towel-wrapper tortillas into a Ziplock plastic bag.  Do not seal the bag, but rather fold it over.  Microwave the tortillas on medium for 4 minutes and then let them sit for 3-4 minutes before taking them out.  From there, straight into the tortilla warmer (you've got a tortilla warmer, right?)  By some magic, this transforms store-bought tortillas into the same yummy perfection of fresh made tortillas.  Magic.

Right as the game was falling apart--err ending, dinner was ready.  One last important ingredient -- srircha!  Not for Wes, but for me.  Wes kept asking how old he had to be to try the rooster sauce.  I was game, but Mom was all dirty looks so we postponed to another time.

All the tacos came together.  Wes polished off 3 himself!  And everyone was happy and that special kind of full that comes from eating just one taco too many.  The finally tallies of firsts for Wes: (1) first time eating a radish (2) first time opening a can by himself and (3) first time using the oven.  Not a bad day
and another successful Sunday dinner.  Now if we could have just fixed the Lakers...

Next week:  Easter Brunch!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Week 5 Redux - The Sloppiest Joes Ever

With Wes's teeth now firmly back to 6 year-old normal (meaning a big gap in the front) it was time to return to our normal schedule.  That meant that our delayed attempt at homemade Sloppy Joes was back on!

First we started with a quick and simple cole slaw.  Pre-shredded cabbage went in a big mixing bowl with a couple of large spoonfuls of mayo.  A shot of apple cider vinegar, milk, and a squeeze of lemon juice went on top.  Add a dash of salt and a teaspoon of sugar and we were set.  Wes mixed everything up with a big spoon and after 3 big "tastes" he declared success. 

I, of course had to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on this one and added a palm-full of fennel seeds.  Sounded like a good idea at the time but big mistake.  The fennel seed was too strong (I might try ground fennel another time).  I spent the rest of our prep time trying to pick them out the seeds one at a time...

On to the Joes.  We started with one yellow onion, one red pepper and a couple stalks of celery or as Wes now knows it by: the Holy Trinity (I only feel slightly guilty that he knows three diced veggies together as a the Holy Trinity but doesn't know what the actual Holy Trinity is; that's another post some day...)  On the exciting side, Wes is getting much better with his knife skills.  He broke down the celery almost by himself and he's really starting to get how to curl his fingers under on his off-hand to avoid cutting his finger tips off.

While Wes sauted all the veg I prepped the sauce; it's funny that six weeks in I'm already comfortable with him at the stove without having to hover.  The sauce was straight forward.  One can of tomato sauce, half a bottle of ketchup-style chili sauce, worcestershire sauce (hilarious watching Wes try to pronounce from the bottle!), a little djoin mustard, a little apple cider vinegar, and a splash of water to thin it out.

After Wes browned the ground beef for about five minutes, we added the sauce over the top.  The sauce simmered for about 20 minutes or so until the whole mess was fit to be spooned on to the buns.  Wes toasted the buns in our toaster oven and set the table while we were waiting.

The Sloppy Joes were a big hit!  A little tangy, a little sweet, and a little salty all at once.  The fresh vegetables had a much better consistency than what you normally get out of the can.

We added pickle chips and crinkle cut potato chips to round out the meal.

And after, we ended the meal with chocolate ice cream and brownie sundaes!  Two happy kiddos and a belated successful dinner (excluding my fennel nightmare at least!)

Next week, my cheater fish tacos!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Celebrating our 500th vistor!

Woohoo.  We've crossed the 500 visitor mark.  Thanks to everyone who has read the site and even more thanks to those that have re-posted the link.  Remember to add comments or vote on any of the posts.  Thanks!

Kitchen Ninja Q&A Time!

Welcome to my new favorite time of the week.  It's time to "Ask a Kitchen Ninja in Training"!  Without further ado, let's get to it.

Reader Auntie Quincey asks:

"I heard that mac and cheese is on the eventual menu so that question was answered... I want to know about the culinary skills. Wes, what's your favorite part about cooking? I know you can't do EVERYTHING just yet (working with big knives, cooking with oil, etc.) but what are you looking forward to the most?"

The Kitchen Ninja responds:

"Hmmm."  Long pause for effect.  "Hmmm.  I do not have a favorite.  I like to do everything.  My favorite thing so far is using the knife to cut celery."

 The Kitchen Ninja's favorite blade is a 4" Mac paring knife.  It's light-weight but has a good size handle and a rounded tip.

Reader benjamom writes:

"You could do "diners, drive-ins and dives" but with kids?"

The Kitchen Ninja responds:

"Yeah!  I would love to have a show like that but with kids.  I would, um, let's see, I would eat Mexican food and pasta.  Uh, I would eat Sloppy Joes.  I want to move on to the next question."

Alrightly then.


Next question comes from reader Dan who writes:

"I wanna know, when is the flambè episode gonna air? Also, please do a recipe from Sandra Lee's cookbook as a way to show Wes what NOT to do! =-)"

The Kitchen Ninja responds:

"I don't even know what that means.  I don't know what anything from the sentence means."  After Kitchen Mom helps explain flambe, the Kitchen Ninja adds "I don't want to do fire.  It looks dangerous.  Actually yes I do want to do it.  No wait, I really don't want to do it.  I think I want to go to bed."

Okay buddy, but hold on for one last question.

Reader Grammie asks:

"Way to go, Wes!!! You guys are rockin'.....and this is so much fun for us to read! I love the Ninja character your daddy made! I am definitely going to buy a shirt and a cup so I can think of you every day while having my cup of tea....:)"

Okay not technically a question but a great plug for our on-line shop!

Okay, that's all for this week and the Kitchen Ninja is off to bed.  Tune in Sunday when we take another swing at Sloppy Joes.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Week 5 - DNP: Coach's Decision


So bad news.  Wes took a tumble going up the stairs.  His previously loose tooth is now dangling and he cut his gums up pretty good.  He's off to the dentist first thing tomorrow morning (and quite excited about not having to go to school!  He's hoping the dentist says to stay home for a week; more likely he'll be back for lunch.)  He's been a good sport, but no chance that spicy Sloppy Joes were going to work this week.

We punted and fell back to comfort food.  Wes got his normal penne pasta with butter and cheese.  He was quite pleased.

He did get some cooking in for mom and me though!

Check back next week when we should be back as good as new!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

What's on the menu?

Coming soon...Sloppy Joes!

Chef Wes has decided that this week's Sunday supper will be home-made Sloppy Joes (none of that canned stuff for us).  And I thought we'd do a simple cole slaw to go with it.

If you have any tips, tricks or recipes for our Sloppy Joes and Cole Slaw, post them below.

Tune in tomorrow to see how it goes!