Welcome to my new favorite time of the week. It's time to "Ask a Kitchen Ninja in Training"! Without further ado, let's get to it.
Reader Auntie Quincey asks:
"I heard that mac and cheese is on the eventual menu so that question was answered... I want to know about the culinary skills. Wes, what's your favorite part about cooking? I know you can't do EVERYTHING just yet (working with big knives, cooking with oil, etc.) but what are you looking forward to the most?"
The Kitchen Ninja responds:
"Hmmm." Long pause for effect. "Hmmm. I do not have a favorite. I like to do everything. My favorite thing so far is using the knife to cut celery."
The Kitchen Ninja's favorite blade is a 4" Mac paring knife. It's light-weight but has a good size handle and a rounded tip.
Reader benjamom writes:
"You could do "diners, drive-ins and dives" but with kids?"
The Kitchen Ninja responds:
"Yeah! I would love to have a show like that but with kids. I would, um, let's see, I would eat Mexican food and pasta. Uh, I would eat Sloppy Joes. I want to move on to the next question."
Alrightly then.
Next question comes from reader Dan who writes:
"I wanna know, when is the flambè episode gonna air? Also, please do a recipe from Sandra Lee's cookbook as a way to show Wes what NOT to do! =-)"
The Kitchen Ninja responds:
"I don't even know what that means. I don't know what anything from the sentence means." After Kitchen Mom helps explain flambe, the Kitchen Ninja adds "I don't want to do fire. It looks dangerous. Actually yes I do want to do it. No wait, I really don't want to do it. I think I want to go to bed."
Okay buddy, but hold on for one last question.
Reader Grammie asks:
"Way to go, Wes!!! You guys are rockin'.....and this is so much fun for us to read! I love the Ninja character your daddy made! I am definitely going to buy a shirt and a cup so I can think of you every day while having my cup of tea....:)"
Okay not technically a question but a great plug for our on-line shop! http://www.cafepress.com/CookingwithWes
Okay, that's all for this week and the Kitchen Ninja is off to bed. Tune in Sunday when we take another swing at Sloppy Joes.
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